Friday, January 13, 2012

How To Train Your Pug Puppy

If you recently added your first Pug to your home or maybe your adding another. There are somethings that you need to know about. Some of the things that you need to train your Pug to do are simple commands like sit or come. These are basic commands and they are actually easy to train. Pugs are a very intelligent breed so you shouldn't not have much trouble training these. How about getting your puppy not to do things. You may not want them to jump on the furniture or bite while playing. These are somethings that you need not to train your pet. If you are wondering what not training means, then continue reading because most new dog owners train bad behavior without even knowing it.

Does your pet jump on the furniture? Do you allow him or her to do this? Every single time your pug does something bad, and you do nothing. You are training bad behavior. You probably read the title and seen that you could find out how to train your pug. But, then you read on and really see that your learning how not to train your pug. Well, its not that you are not training. You want to make sure that you are not training bad behavior. Most dogs do things as adults because they were allowed to do them as puppies. It is a lot harder to un-train an adult dog, then it is properly train a puppy.

Now that your not praising bad habits its time to get onto training your puppy. The basic commands include things like sitting and staying. You want to keep control of your pug if you get visitors or if you happen to come around other dogs. Puppies attention span is low, so you only want to keep training sessions to about 15 to 20 minutes. First thing you need to do is get your pugs attention. The best way is by calling their name. Now use the command “sit” at the same time as you gently push down on their hind quarters. As soon as their butt hits the floor, praise them. This is a very basic command they should learn it quickly. Especially if you are giving a treat with the completed task. Its pretty basic with all of these. Stay, put your puppy in the sit position and walk away. If they follow you, then you turn and say “stay”. At the same time put your hand out in the stop position. Then walk again. If they follow, repeat. As soon as they do not follow, give them a treat. They will get the hint.

There you go. A simple training plan for your pug. With a bit of work and patience on your part you and your pug puppy will enjoy a great life together. Do not scold bad behavior. Do not train if your in a bad mood. You do not scold your puppy because its attention. They may do something wrong just to get it. Just ignore and go on with your business. Now that you know how to train your pug puppy, head out and enjoy spending some time with your new addition to your home.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

How To Get Your Dog To Eat Dry Food

Does your dog eat dry food? There are some that refuse to eat dry dog food. Not sure why this is, maybe its because they have to crunch it. To some it may sound like the dog is being lazy. Who knows. It is just that there seems to be quite a few dogs out there that just down right refuse to eat dry food when its put right in front of them. If you dog will not eat dry food its because you do not make them. Simple, he or she has you trained instead of the other way around. Keep reading to find out how to get your dog to eat dry food.

If your dog will not eat dry food and you feed them table food, then that is where the problem is. It is not that they do not like the dry food, its that they do not have to eat it. Especially if they know if they just ignore the food in their dish, you will give them something else. You need to break this habit. First by 1 cup of dry food in your dogs dish. Leave it there. Do not feed your friend anything else. No treats or handouts from what your eating. They will stare you down, but they will also start to get hungry. Do no worry, they will not let themselves starve. Eventually they will head to their dish and eat. At first probably only a piece or two, this is to hold the over, just so they can see if you will change it to something more appealing.

Ah, that might be the ticket. Making the food in your dogs dish more appealing. You can buy all kinds of add-ons for food. Like spray cheese or peanut butter. If you are looking for a way to dress up your dogs dry food the inexpensive way. Look no further than your kitchen. You can easily pour chicken broth over top of the food. Not a lot just about ¼ cup. This will give the food a bit of moisture and at the same time a nice little flavor. It might be just what your puppy is looking for in their dry food. After a few days your dog will get the hint of how things are now. They will then start eat on schedule when you put the food in their dish.

If your dog does not eat dry dog food then give the methods here a shot. The main thing about dogs is that they need to be trained. If you are finding it difficult to train your puppy, it may be because they are trying to train you. Dogs are pack animals, this means that they want to be the leader. You are the leader, let them know that and they will understand. Every once in a while they need to be put back in their place. Its called pecking order. Now that you know this, you can finally get your dog to eat dry food.

Monday, January 9, 2012

House Training an Older Dog

We have all heard the saying “you cant teach an old dog new tricks”. Some may believe this to be true, when in reality you may find that it is easier to teach an older dog than it is to teach a puppy. There are many factors that go into this. Such as:

  • Older dogs are less energetic than puppies
  • Attention spans of a dog that is older is longer than that of a younger one
  • Most dogs that reach the age of 2 or 3 understand some commands like “NO”

How you train the older dog really depends on the situation. If you just recently rescued him or her from a local shelter. You will not know their history. As to how much formal or informal training have they received. Were they abused by their former owner. This could mean that you need to start from scratch and house train your new pet first. Of course if you have had them for years, and they recently developed a bad habit, the training will be a bit different.

House Training an Older Dog

If you recently brought home an older dog from the shelter the first thing you are going to want to do is house train them. This could be the same as you would a puppy with a few exceptions. First an older dog has more control over their body. This means that they can last for longer periods of time before eliminating. This does not mean that you can leave them home all day in the beginning. You must first set up a schedule for them to follow.

Lets start out by taking them to the area that you want them use as their bathroom before they even enter your home for the first time. After they do their business then you need to praise them and let them know that they did a good thing. Now bring them into their new home and introduce it to them. Let them explore their new surroundings.

They are not on a schedule yet. So this means that you must take them out to eliminate. This way they will get into the habit of going outside. Take them out often and praise them each time they eliminate. These times should include after eating, playing and before going to bed. Multiple times each day, about every 2 or 3 hours should be sufficient in the beginning. After a while you can place him or her on the following schedule.

  • Morning after breakfast
  • After playtime
  • After eating dinner
  • Before bedtime

Remember to praise them each time they eliminate in the right area. Always work on prevention instead reacting to an accident. If you can prevent accidents before they happen you and your pet will be happier. Never scold or punish them for an accident. Just clean it up quietly and continue on with the training. Do not expect an older dog to let you know when they need to go out. With a little patience and time you will find that it might actually easier to train an older dog.