Friday, January 13, 2012

How To Train Your Pug Puppy

If you recently added your first Pug to your home or maybe your adding another. There are somethings that you need to know about. Some of the things that you need to train your Pug to do are simple commands like sit or come. These are basic commands and they are actually easy to train. Pugs are a very intelligent breed so you shouldn't not have much trouble training these. How about getting your puppy not to do things. You may not want them to jump on the furniture or bite while playing. These are somethings that you need not to train your pet. If you are wondering what not training means, then continue reading because most new dog owners train bad behavior without even knowing it.

Does your pet jump on the furniture? Do you allow him or her to do this? Every single time your pug does something bad, and you do nothing. You are training bad behavior. You probably read the title and seen that you could find out how to train your pug. But, then you read on and really see that your learning how not to train your pug. Well, its not that you are not training. You want to make sure that you are not training bad behavior. Most dogs do things as adults because they were allowed to do them as puppies. It is a lot harder to un-train an adult dog, then it is properly train a puppy.

Now that your not praising bad habits its time to get onto training your puppy. The basic commands include things like sitting and staying. You want to keep control of your pug if you get visitors or if you happen to come around other dogs. Puppies attention span is low, so you only want to keep training sessions to about 15 to 20 minutes. First thing you need to do is get your pugs attention. The best way is by calling their name. Now use the command “sit” at the same time as you gently push down on their hind quarters. As soon as their butt hits the floor, praise them. This is a very basic command they should learn it quickly. Especially if you are giving a treat with the completed task. Its pretty basic with all of these. Stay, put your puppy in the sit position and walk away. If they follow you, then you turn and say “stay”. At the same time put your hand out in the stop position. Then walk again. If they follow, repeat. As soon as they do not follow, give them a treat. They will get the hint.

There you go. A simple training plan for your pug. With a bit of work and patience on your part you and your pug puppy will enjoy a great life together. Do not scold bad behavior. Do not train if your in a bad mood. You do not scold your puppy because its attention. They may do something wrong just to get it. Just ignore and go on with your business. Now that you know how to train your pug puppy, head out and enjoy spending some time with your new addition to your home.

1 comment:

  1. If your Puppy exhibits a behavior you don't like, there is a strong likelihood that it's something that has been reinforced before. A great example is when your puppy brings you a toy and barks to entice you to throw it.

    Dog Training Los Angeles
