Thursday, January 12, 2012

How To Get Your Dog To Eat Dry Food

Does your dog eat dry food? There are some that refuse to eat dry dog food. Not sure why this is, maybe its because they have to crunch it. To some it may sound like the dog is being lazy. Who knows. It is just that there seems to be quite a few dogs out there that just down right refuse to eat dry food when its put right in front of them. If you dog will not eat dry food its because you do not make them. Simple, he or she has you trained instead of the other way around. Keep reading to find out how to get your dog to eat dry food.

If your dog will not eat dry food and you feed them table food, then that is where the problem is. It is not that they do not like the dry food, its that they do not have to eat it. Especially if they know if they just ignore the food in their dish, you will give them something else. You need to break this habit. First by 1 cup of dry food in your dogs dish. Leave it there. Do not feed your friend anything else. No treats or handouts from what your eating. They will stare you down, but they will also start to get hungry. Do no worry, they will not let themselves starve. Eventually they will head to their dish and eat. At first probably only a piece or two, this is to hold the over, just so they can see if you will change it to something more appealing.

Ah, that might be the ticket. Making the food in your dogs dish more appealing. You can buy all kinds of add-ons for food. Like spray cheese or peanut butter. If you are looking for a way to dress up your dogs dry food the inexpensive way. Look no further than your kitchen. You can easily pour chicken broth over top of the food. Not a lot just about ¼ cup. This will give the food a bit of moisture and at the same time a nice little flavor. It might be just what your puppy is looking for in their dry food. After a few days your dog will get the hint of how things are now. They will then start eat on schedule when you put the food in their dish.

If your dog does not eat dry dog food then give the methods here a shot. The main thing about dogs is that they need to be trained. If you are finding it difficult to train your puppy, it may be because they are trying to train you. Dogs are pack animals, this means that they want to be the leader. You are the leader, let them know that and they will understand. Every once in a while they need to be put back in their place. Its called pecking order. Now that you know this, you can finally get your dog to eat dry food.

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